Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Albert Mohler weighs-in on the debt-ceiling charade

Albert Mohler weighs-in on the debt-ceiling debate that is about to unfold:

Conservatives should be particularly unwilling to participate in such a charade, and yet many do so, thinking they can use the pseudo-event to their advantage. It is a losing game, dishonest politics, and a failure of governance?

Conservatives should just point out that the Constitution demands that the nation pay its debts, and that Congress and the President must take responsibility for the spending ? and the massive borrowing ? that their actions mandate. Conservatives should point to the real crisis, stand on principle, and refuse to distract themselves and the American people with false crises and pseudo-events.

In the end pseudo-events only serve to make the problem worse, never better. We cannot deal with the real crisis, if we keep playing the game of the pseudo-event.

Read the rest here.

Source: http://www.dennyburk.com/albert-mohler-weighs-in-on-the-debt-ceiling-charade/

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