Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Businesses in northeast Kansas ? WKSBDC ? Small Business ...

Attention: Businesses in northeast Kansas near the Missouri River

If you?re a business near the Missouri River, I want you to know about a group who, along with the KSBDC in Glacial Hills, is interested in helping grow your business!

Name: MINK, an acronym for Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas

Purpose: The group began meeting in 2010, concentrating on marketing the assets and small businesses in this region.

Contact:? Gary Satter, RCD? 785-608-8801,

I was pleased to be invited to attend this group?s four state meeting last week at the beautiful Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge in Missouri.? I represented the Kansas Small Business Development Center in Glacial Hills, as a free resource to businesses in Northeast Kansas.? Also in attendance were representatives from the SBA, EDA, USDA and others.

Video of business owners and event coordinators can be viewed at:

If you are a business near the Missouri River and you have a story to tell?tell it here!? We are interested in hearing from you!


Helping rural businesses start and grow,

Mary Ann
Business Consultant

I am compelled to link to the meeting location, having lived only about an hour away and never having visited before?I?d recommend it for a day trip!



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